
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ABS-CBN workers protest illegal dismissal and union busting


A big protest action was conducted yesterday in front of ABS-CBN's Sgt. Esguerra gate by members of the Internal Job Market Workers Union. Retrenched workers staged a picket to pressure the network's management to reinstate the illegally dismissed and hold certification elections following the Dep't of Labor and Employment's decision on their case. They were supported by organizations coming from the labor and youth sectors.

Starting October 12, the picket in front of ABS-CBN network’s Sgt. Esguerra gate will serve as the protest center of the Internal Job Market Workers Union (IJMWU). According the IJMWU, the ABS-CBN management gave no response to the demands of the workers and instead, continued to dismiss employees who are mostly union officers and members.

Kodao Productions: Cris Balleta and Karl Ramirez

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